Northern Spy

Book 31 in 2021.

“Northern Spy” by, Flynn Berry

I am so far behind in writing about the books I have been reading! So I think I will just write a little bit shorter on each one just to catch up! Happy summer reading!

This was something I have never read about before. I know the IRA is a real thing, and have heard about some of the conflicts in Northern Ireland. This was a story about to sisters involved with the terrorist organization, both for different reasons.

It was ok, I just don’t think I liked the authors style of writing. Overall afterthought, very interesting, but not my favorite.

We Will Not Be Silenced

Book 30 in 2021.

“We Will Not Be Silenced” by, Erwin W. Lutzer.

This book was fascinating, frightening, enlightening, encouraging and discouraging all wrapped in one! Whew! Pastor Lutzer was the head pastor at Moody Church in downtown Chicago for thirty six years. This is his call and challenge to the church who believes in the Bible to stick to its truths. We must not be swayed into believing lies of a water downed gospel.

I thought this was very intense and thought provoking it almost made me anxious to read it. However I recognize the necessity of Pastor Lutzer’s message. I am up to challenging my thought process and making sure it aligns with the Bible. Overall afterthought, amazing.

The Berlin Girl

Book 29 in 2021.

“The Berlin Girl”, by Mandy Robotham

I am always down for a WWII fiction. This was more of pre-war in Berlin during the late 1930’s. Georgie is a reporter from London who is fighting for her spot on the international beat. It’s a good ole boys club, but she is using her smarts to find the truth of what is really going on behind the scenes in this new Adolf Hitler Era. The world deserves to know the atrocities the German people, Jewish Germans specifically, must face daily trying to survive the brutal regime.

This was just ok. I had a hard time getting into it, but I powered through. I liked the characters, but felt like things were really repetitive and slow moving. I have not been having the best of luck with books lately! Overall afterthought, eh not my favorite.